Statement from Gian-Carl Casa, President & CEO of CT Community Nonprofit Alliance, in response to this week’s report from the State Comptroller on the status of Connecticut’s revenues and expenditures.

“The state is collecting revenues amounting to $300 million more than budgeted expenditures. The ‘deficit’ that continues to be reported is the result of a legislative construct that sends $318 million worth of surplus to a rainy day fund that already holds $2.6 billion. Yet community nonprofits continue to be inadequately funded, as they have been for more than a decade, as demand for vital community services has only grown.

“During the years of recession, community nonprofit funding was cut in almost every annual budget and in mid-year rescissions. Today, the State has enough annual revenue that it can increase funding for services delivered by nonprofits.”

Contact: Patty McQueen 860-985-3533