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2024 Keynote Presentation

Dan Pallotta
Best-Selling Author, Philanthropist and Academy Award Nominee
Join us for a unique conference experience – a fireside chat with our 2024 keynote, Dan Pallotta. The session will be moderated by media veteran Diane Smith.
Dan Pallotta is a pioneer in the global effort to transform the way our culture evaluates the character and impact of nonprofit organizations. His iconic TED Talk on philanthropy, “Uncharitable: The Way We Think About Charity is Dead Wrong,” has been viewed more than 5.5 million times. The TED community voted it the most persuasive TED talk of all time. The documentary film “Uncharitable,” based on Dan’s life work, was an Oscar nominee in 2024.
Dan shares desperately important ideas on reshaping charities, the nonprofit industry, and even the way we dream. He challenges nonprofit executives, students, philanthropists, institutional funders, donors, and anyone who cares about the great causes of our time, to change the way we think about charities and the strategies needed to truly create the change we want to see in the world.
Workshop Presenters
2024 Conference Line-up

Allison Csonka, MPA
Director of Fund Development and Communications, Bridges

Amanda Aronson
Founder and President of StoryB, LLC

James McKim
Founder and Managing Partner of Organizational Ignition & Author of “The Diversity Factor: Igniting Superior Organizational Performance”

Kara Preston
Vice President of Development, Klingberg Family Centers

Donna Swanson MSN, CS, APRN
Founder and Executive Director for FOCUS Center for Autism

Dr. Gary Damon Jr.
President & CEO, Pressure Point Consulting
Want to present at next year's conference?

Eric Molho
Founder and Principal Consultant for Bon Partners

Jacqueline Ross
Author, "Manage UP!"

Stacie Watson
Partner, Transformative Leadership Strategies

Dr. Steve Sobel
Author, “The Good Times Handbook – Your Guide To Positive Living."

Johnny Diaz II
COO, Alpha Capital

Kimberly Dunn
Strategic Human Resources Consultant, EANE
Become a sponsor

Jessica Smith
Deputy Chief of Business Development, The Connection Institute for Innovative Practice

Frances Trelease
Founder and CEO, BoomerDen, LLC and Trelease Communications, LLC

Diane Smith
A New York Times bestselling author, Emmy award winning journalist