A Voice in Washington, D.C.

Home A Voice in Washington, D.C

Local Focus. National Connections.
The mission of The Alliance extends onto the national stage. We are in constant contact with our members of Congress, advocating for issues important to nonprofits. We strengthen our members’ relationships with Congress by organizing several annual Hill Day visits to Washington D.C. and Congressional town halls locally. Through The Alliance, our members receive membership to the National Council for Mental Wellbeing  or the American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR), and The Alliance is a member of the National Council of Nonprofits.

contact your legislators

legislative advocacy

Reports & Publications

National Council for Mental Wellbeing
For behavioral health providers, membership to The Alliance includes membership to the National Council for Mental Wellbeing , a national, nonprofit association advocating for policies that ensure people who have mental health and substance abuse problems can access comprehensive healthcare services. The full spectrum of NCBH member benefits extends to our members’ staff and board members.

National Council of Nonprofits

The Alliance is a member of the National Council of Nonprofits, a trusted resource and proven advocate for America’s nonprofits. Connecting the policy dots across all levels and branches of governments, the Council of Nonprofits keeps nonprofits informed and empowered to create a positive public policy environment that best supports nonprofits in advancing their missions. Working with and through the nation’s largest network of nonprofits—with 25,000-plus organizational members—they identify emerging trends, share proven practices, and promote solutions that benefit charitable nonprofits and the communities they serve.

American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR)
For I/DD providers, membership to The Alliance includes membership to the American Network of Community Options & Resources (ANCOR), a national, nonprofit association advocating for policies that help providers of services to people with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities. ANCOR is the premier trade association speaking on behalf of I/DD providers in Washington, D.C. The full spectrum of ANCOR member benefits extends to our members’ staff and board members.

The Alliance | Stronger Together

Together, nonprofits deliver essential services to more than half a million people each year and employ almost 14% of Connecticut’s workforce. Nationally, our impact is even greater.

National Network of Nonprofits

People Served by NCBH Members

People Employed by ANCOR Members

All Campus

Receive up to 15% on tuition with participating university program. 

FairField University

20% Tuition discount in our MPA and Non-Profit Management Certificate

Get Social With The Alliance

Connect with us on our social media. For frequent updates, be sure to follow and like us on all of our platforms below. You’ll see postings about our latest campaigns, events, and news.

Act Now! Contact Your Legislator

Tell legislators to add $461 million to community nonprofits! Email your legislators today to ask that they increase funding for community nonprofits by $461 million over five years.


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