About Us

The CT Community Nonprofit Alliance (The Alliance) is the statewide association of community nonprofits in Connecticut. Our mission is to advance excellence in community-based nonprofits through advocacy and capacity building. We share the passion and purpose behind each and every organization’s mission and channel that purpose into a powerful, collective voice. We lead from a position of strength, representing nonprofits while presenting a united front before the Connecticut state legislature, state agencies, the public and the media. We advance strategies and public policies that make it possible for nonprofits to thrive.
As the nonprofit funding landscape continues to evolve, The Alliance works closely on all fronts to empower nonprofits small and large to adapt, survive and thrive. The delivery of high quality, effective, and efficient services is a top priority. Members can fulfill their missions while realizing tremendous savings to their bottom lines by taking advantage of the increased buying power and cost-saving benefits that come with being part of The Alliance.
Together, we are much more powerful and influential than we can be as individual agencies.
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The Alliance | Stronger Together
Our membership is more than 300 nonprofits strong and growing. Together, nonprofits deliver essential services to more than half a million people each year and employ almost 14% of Connecticut’s workforce.