Statement from Gian-Carl Casa, President & CEO of CT Community Nonprofit Alliance on the budget raised by the legislature’s Appropriations Committee today.

“We thank the Appropriations Committee for approving a spending plan that makes no cuts in community nonprofit services and restores some funding for mental health grants and programs for juvenile justice, housing and the homeless. This proposal shows they recognize community nonprofits provide essential services that should be off the table for budget cuts.

“But we are disappointed that the committee rejected cost-saving proposals to shift expensive state services to quality community programs.

“After more than a decade of underfunding, budget cuts and rescissions, the nonprofit community is near the breaking point, all while need for services, such as opioid abuse treatment, are increasing.

“Connecticut’s nonprofits are essential services and that is why we have asked the Governor and legislative leaders to use $100 million of the expected surplus to restore budget cuts and pay for services. The Appropriations Committee budget is a good start.”