Statement from Gian-Carl Casa, President & CEO of CT Community Nonprofit Alliance, on the report from the Commission on Fiscal Stability and Economic Growth:
March 1, 2018
“The Commission’s report recommends reducing the state budget by $1 billion, but is silent on the value of vital community-based services for half a million state residents every year, or on any of the Alliance’s cost-saving recommendations.
“With half the budget tied up in ‘fixed costs’ it is hard to imagine an implementation of this plan that would not devastate the state’s human service safety net. On behalf of people with disabilities and their families, people struggling with substance abuse and mental illness, domestic violence, and homelessness who our providers serve every day, we urge the General Assembly to reject across the board budget cuts that will hurt the most vulnerable people in our state.”
Contact: Patty McQueen 860-985-3533