May 30, 2019
Contact: Patty McQueen 860-985-3533

Statement from Gian-Carl Casa, President & CEO of CT Community Nonprofit Alliance, on the proposed state budget agreement announced today.

“A budget is a statement of priorities. We don’t know yet the line items in the proposed spending plan announced today, we hope it includes good news for the people who depend on nonprofit services.

“But the plans for the use of surplus dollars have been shared, and they don’t include restoration of a decade of budget cuts and rescissions to Connecticut’s struggling community nonprofits. They do include other choices.

“Community nonprofit members and consumers are here at the Capitol today because it is our hope that rank and file members of the House and Senate caucuses will make it clear to leadership that their budget priorities include the needs of the state’s most vulnerable people such as those who rely on substance abuse treatment and mental health clinics, homeless shelters and domestic violence programs, juvenile justice and prison re-entry programs, and residential and day treatment programs for people with developmental disabilities.

“The Rainy Day Fund will have $2.4 billion in it this year – if not now, when?”