Shaping Policy & Public Opinion

Home Shaping Policy & Public Opinion

A Trusted Source of Information  

The Alliance is a proactive force in Connecticut, anticipating the challenges and opportunities the nonprofit sector faces. We develop and distribute budget analyses, legislative updates, fact sheets and policy research. The Alliance tracks and analyzes hundreds of bills throughout each legislative session, we provide public testimony on bills of importance to nonprofits. We are a trusted source of information for the media.

Legislative Advocacy

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Public Policy & Advocacy

News Releases

Statement on DOGE cuts to CT human services

Statement from Gian Carl Casa, President & CEO, CT Community Nonprofit Alliance, on federal funding cuts to human services. "The federal cuts hitting Connecticut today are likely the first of...

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The Walker Group

DescriptionContactAll Campus Receive up to 15% on tuition with participating university program. FairField University 20% Tuition discount in our MPA and Non-Profit Management Certificate University...

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The Alliance | Stronger Together

Our membership is more than 290 nonprofits strong and growing. Together, nonprofits deliver essential services to more than half a million people each year and employ almost 14% of Connecticut’s workforce.

Members Testifying on Bills

People Attending Advocacy Days

Member Emails Sent to Legislators

All Campus

Receive up to 15% on tuition with participating university program. 

FairField University

20% Tuition discount in our MPA and Non-Profit Management Certificate

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Act Now! Contact Your Legislator

Tell legislators to add $461 million to community nonprofits! Email your legislators today to ask that they increase funding for community nonprofits by $461 million over five years.


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